Monday, January 31, 2011
the 2011 spay day pet photo contest
Pet photo
If you are 13 years old or younger, you may participate in the Contest with the permission and assistance of your parent(s) or guardian(s). Void where prohibited by law. The Contest is subject to all applicable national, federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Employees and independent contractors of The Humane Society of the United States ("The HSUS"), Humane Society International ("HSI"), Janie Coleman, Amanda Jones, Lori A. Cheung, Robert B. Haas, Zazzle or their affiliates, and any other individual or entity involved in the development, promotion, or execution of the Contest, and the immediate family members and/or household members of each are not eligible.
The Grand Prize Fundraiser will also receive a custom portrait of their pet by artist Janie Coleman* and a $500 electronic gift card to Humane Domain.**
Valued at an estimated $5,310, this prize is courtesy of The Hollywood Office of the Humane Society of the United States, Janie Coleman, and Humane Domain.
Entry Fee:
Not mentioned
February 25, 2011
For More Information: (source of the information)
Ocean Conservancy 2011 Photo Contest
Subject matter must consist of marine wildlife or marine habitats, and must be photographed in a natural setting. Shots of aquariums, pools or other captive locations will not be accepted.
Photographs of divers touching or stressing marine wildlife will not be accepted.
Not mentioned
Entry Fee:
Not mentioned.
February 28
For More Information: (source of the information)
First photo contest of 2011
First photo contest of 2011
Not mentioned, but this is international, You’d better check the age or something like that.(I assumed no limits.)
Entry Fee:
Mar 10th, 2011
For More Information: (source of the information)
P.S there is around 2 after
Winter 2011 SCA Photo Contest
Digital photos of your favorite places, people and animals -- in the snow.
Photographers 15 years or older – except for individuals who are full-time employees of the Student Conservation Association – are eligible to enter. By submitting an entry, each contestant agrees to the rules of the contest and states that he or she was 15 years old or older as of January 19th 2011. The Student Conservation Association will determine eligibility. Contest is limited to residents of the United States including the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.
SCA reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to award a substitute prize of equal or greater value if a prize described in these Official Rules is unavailable or cannot be awarded, in whole or in part, for any reason. SCA makes no representation or warranty concerning the appearance, safety or performance of any prize awarded. Restrictions, conditions and limitations may apply. SCA will not replace any lost or stolen Prizes. No prize transfer, assignment or substitution by Winners permitted.
Entry Fee:
Not mentioned
March 19th, 2011
For More Information: (source of the information)
Relief from a Disaster--EngineerGirl! Contest 2011
Flood, famine, earthquake, tsunami, oil spill, blackout, building collapse, mining accident, wildfire, hurricane, tornado, terrorist attack—all have been headline news in recent years. Disasters, both natural and man-made, can take many forms. Every disaster presents unique challenges and requires fast and decisive action to save lives and limit damages. Engineers are involved in designing many products specifically for use in disaster zones such as portable medical equipment, oil skimmers, or basic shelters. Identify an item designed specifically for use in disaster relief, and then do some research on it to write your essay.
The contest is open to individual girls and boys in each of three categories (Choose your category by grade-level unless you are unsure of your grade):
3rd grade to 5th grade (Ages 8-11)
6th grade to 8th grade (Ages 12-14)
9th grade to 12th grade (Ages 15-18)
If you are a prior winner and have received a cash prize from EngineerGirl! in any of the above grade categories, you may not enter again in the same age group.
1st $500
2nd $250
3rd $100
Entry Fee:
Not Mentioned
March 1, 2011
For More Information: (source of the information)
2011 Julia Peterkin Award
The 2011 Julia Peterkin Award is open to all writers of fiction writing original works in English. Previously published works are eligible for inclusion in the submission.
$1000 and travel expenses for a reading at Converse College
Entry Fee:
February 15, 2011
For More Information:
2011 Teen Summer Reading Artwork Contest
Entries must be accompanied by a completed Contest Entry Form: 2011 Teen Art Contest Rules and Entry.pdf.
The slogan “You Are Here” must be a part of the design.
Design must include artwork & slogan on 8 1/2” X 11” paper.
Designs must be the original work of the entrant.
Designs should be in color. (Note: Please be sure that your media and colors are easily reproducible in black and white and in color on paper and in electronic environments.)
Computer-generated images may be used, but all components must be completely original. You may not use any copied images.
Limit two (2) entries per contestant.
$150 Powell’s Books gift card
Entry Fee:
Not mentioned
February 28, 2011
For More Information: (source of the information)
Future of Money - Design Award
Future Money
Creative practitioners from across the UK are invited to submit a design, based around a proposed ‘smart banknote’ system, a potential replacement for existing paper notes.
Your vision isn’t limited to a specific medium, but should be based around the technological specifications/limitations of the smart banknote system.
1st prize – £500
2nd prize - £250
Entry Fee:
Not Mentioned
21st February 2011
For More Information: (source of the information)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
BBC Wildlife Artist of the Year Award 2011
Artwork must feature wildlife – birds, mammals, waterlife, invertebrates and plants – in a natural or captive environment. Maximum eight entries per person.
The competition is open to all artists aged 18 or over, amateur or professional.
The overall winner will receive a holiday to Borneo organised by Wildlife Worldwide and the Sabah Tourism Board.
All of the category winners will be exhibited at the prestigious annual exhibition of the Marwell International Wildlife Art Society in August 2011, in a special display alongside 200 other artists and sculptors.
The overall winner will also be displayed at The Natural Eye, the 48th annual exhibition of the Society of Wildlife Artists at the Mall Galleries, London, 26 October– 6 November 2011. The winner will be able to meet fellow artists at the private view.
All of the category winners will be published in the August 2011 issue of BBC Wildlife (on sale 7 July). The winners, runners-up and commendeds will also be published in an online gallery.
Entry Fee:
Not mentioned.
February 28, 2011
For More Information: (source of the information)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
2011 Christian Worldview Essay Contest
The topic of the 2011 Christian Worldview Essay Contest is the book Introduction to Christian Philosophy
(“The Wheaton Lectures”) by Gordon H. Clark. Each person who enters the contest must read this book and write an essay about it.
The topic of the 2011 Christian Worldview Essay Contest is the book Introduction to Christian Philosophy
Each person who enters the contest must be no younger than 17 years of age and no older than 23 years of age on January 1, 2011
Entry fee:
September 1, 2011
For More Information: (source of the information)
Announcing the 15th Annual Signet Classics Student Scholarship Essay Contest
The Moonstone (Signet Classics)
Select one of the following five topics:
- In the introduction to the Signet Classic edition, Alev Lytle Croutier states: "The themes of imperialism and sensationalism in Collins's writings challenged the prejudices prevalent in Victorian England. At the heart of his social critiques was Collins's contempt for abuses of power, whether at home in Britain or abroad in the British Empire." Cite examples of such criticisms and comment on them.
- How do different female characters in The Moonstone
embody or defy what we might think of as traditional Victorian or nineteenth-century values and expectations for women's behavior?
- The Moonstone
could have been told in the third person by one omniscient narrator, yet Collins chooses to tell the story from the point of view of eight different narrators. Do you believe the novel benefits from this approach? Why or why not? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Cite examples to support your responses.
- Many characters in the novel are neither straightforward heroes or anti-heroes, and often seem to do insensitive things in service of what they feel is right. Some characters are attractive overall but exhibit behaviors that are unsympathetic, while characters like the Hindoos fluctuate between appearing villainous and victimized. Choose two figures who reveal different sides to their personalities, and discuss the way these characteristics help and/or undermine their roles in the novel. (For purposes of this question, the Hindoos may be regarded as a single figure.)
- Religion and superstition cause many of the characters in The Moonstone
to behave in ways the other characters cannot understand. Miss Clack's religious fanaticism, the actions of the Indians, and the superstitions of Gabriel Betteredge all strike other characters as odd. How do these personalities help you understand what is going on in the immediate environment that the characters inhabit? In what ways do they also comment on larger social issues of the period?
Open to 11th and 12th grade full-time matriculated students who are attending high schools located in the fifty United States and the District of Columbia, or home-schooled students between the ages of 16-18 who are residents of the fifty United States and the District of Columbia.
Entry fee:
Not mentioned
All entries must be postmarked by April 14, 2011 and received on or by April 21, 2011
For More Information: (source of the information)
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